Getting a Chevy Oil Change at Andy Mohr Chevrolet

oil change service near me

Are you on the hunt for 'oil change service near me' in Plainfield, IN? When you visit our Chevrolet dealership near Indianapolis, you’ll quickly discover we’re far more than just a great place where you can find a great selection of new Chevrolet cars for sale. We aim to take great care of all of our customers here at Andy Mohr Chevrolet through the whole life of their Chevrolet car. That’s why we offer excellent maintenance and repairs here at our Chevrolet service center.

How Often Should I Change My Oil?

Out of all the essential maintenance tasks for your car, getting your oil changed is one of the most frequent and most important. The reason for this is fairly simple. Your car needs to maintain a fresh supply of oil on a regular basis to keep your engine in good condition. The engine of any car features lots of moving parts, which generates lots of friction. This friction can cause your car parts to wear down over time. To avoid premature wear on your car’s various parts, you’ll need to keep it properly lubricated with oil.

Not only will changing your oil help reduce engine wear, but it will make your car run more smoothly altogether. If your car’s engine isn’t bogged down by excessive pressure and friction, it can get up to speed more quickly, resulting in a better experience behind the wheel. Plus, you’ll enjoy better fuel efficiency when your engine is properly lubricated with oil and working smoothly.

Getting a Chevy Oil Change at Our Plainfield Chevrolet Dealership

Our team here at our Chevrolet service center in Plainfield is always ready to take great care of your car. It’s recommended that you get your car’s oil changed roughly every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to keep your engine in the best condition. During your oil change appointment, not only will we replace your oil, but we’ll also fill your tires, check your lights, and refill your wiper fluid to get your car ready for the road.

To enjoy top-notch car service for your Chevrolet vehicle or for quality repairs with OEM Chevrolet car parts, schedule your service appointment with us today!