Mar 22, 2022
chevy service

Life is full of distractions, which is why it can be easy to do silly things sometimes. If you’ve never locked your keys in your car, consider yourself lucky. But, in case this happens, our Chevy service has some tips.

What to Do if You’re Locked Out

If you do experience this head-smacking moment, there are some things you can do:

Find a Hanger

Now, unlike the good old days, you probably can’t stick a hanger inside your window and pull that little latch up. You may, however, be able to hit the unlock button so you’ll be able to get the door open.

Get the Spare Key

If the hanger trick won’t work or you can’t find one, think about calling somebody who either has your spare key or can get it. If this person has to go to your home to get your key, make sure that they do in fact have a way in or the situation will end up looking pretty ironic.

Call for Professional Help

If those options aren’t feasible and you have a membership to an auto club, make the call. In many cases, someone will be out promptly and will have no trouble unlocking your car for you.

Tips for Preventing a Lockout

The best way to deal with a lockout is to prevent it in the first place, and you can do that by:

Having a Spare Key with You

Clearly, having a spare key on your keyring is a mistake, so you would have to put it somewhere you can get it if you need to. A wallet or purse could work. You may also want to consider using a magnetic key holder that attaches to the outside of your car.

Setting Up a Digital Key

If you drive a newer model, you may be able to set up a digital key for it. This will let you unlock your car with your smartphone, so you would never have to worry about getting locked out.

Is your car due for some maintenance? Get in touch with the service center at Andy Mohr Chevrolet in Plainfield.