Jun 16, 2021
Chevy Service

Keeping your car in good condition doesn’t have to be hard. You just have to know what service you need to give it and when to get it. This guide from our Chevrolet service will help:

Oil Changes

While you can certainly get your oil changed every 3,000 miles, you probably don’t need to do it that often. Every 5,000 miles is most likely a more accurate number.

Consult your owner’s manual for manufacturer recommendations. No matter how much you drive, you’ll do your car a favor if its oil is changed twice per year.


Tire service involves a few different things. First of all, they need to be inflated to the right levels. They also need to be rotated periodically so they wear evenly, which will extend their lifespan and boost safety.

Like with oil changes, this should be done every six months or so. Finally, tires typically make it to about 20,000 miles before they need to be replaced, which is something to keep in mind.

Battery and Brakes Checks

Do you know long a battery usually lasts? It’s generally three to five years. This is why having yours checked at least every year is important, especially as it gets up there in age. Your brakes should also be looked at annually.

You can usually drive up to around 50,000 miles before brake pads and shoes will need to be replaced. And if you’re hearing a squeaking sound now, almost certainly something is wearing out.

Get the Service Your Car Needs at Andy Mohr Chevrolet in Plainfield

If your car is due (or overdue) for some service, the service center at Andy Mohr Chevrolet will take care of it. Contact us to make an appointment.